Student Assistance Counseling is a process where students meet with a professional counselor to discuss any problem they may be experiencing, such as:
· Family problems
· School problems
· Drugs/Alcohol
· Depression and other emotional problems
· Relationship issues
· Stress or Anxiety
· Bullying
· Eating Disorders
· Any other issues
The Student Assistance Counselor can help by working with the student directly, collaborating with the teacher, or both. The SAC can also communicate with the student’s family or other professionals when appropriate.
Students and teachers can expect that information shared with the SAC remains confidential
(unless a student is being abused, or someone is in immediate danger). The Student Assistance
Counselor can provide confidential services in more effective one-on-one settings without
conflicting with the law or creating conflicts of interests for other faculty members
Most districts have an in-district Student Assistance Counselor who possess specific training to identify and address specific behaviors and issues that affect students.